Today we face greater cost and risk pressures than ever across our industry – and we have an unprecedented range of technological solutions available with which to address these pressures.
So why are legacy back office platforms still so prevalent across the global sell side? We have a chance for a generational transformation in our trade processing – and so what is holding us back?
39% of firms are replacing LegacyTech this year
By 2024, 84% of firms will have undertaken LegacyTech replacement projects  – a large number of which are happening this year.
22% of firms are replacing LegacyTech in corporate actions
Now is the time for LegacyTech replacement – most of all in corporate actions. With almost one in four firms focusing on asset servicing as their key transformation priority, we look set to see increased automation and STP in this key area.
Replacing Legacy systems yields USD1.5m on average
We are all well-aware of the significant costs of replacing LegacyTech today. But are we equally aware of the revenue upsides that these replacements facilitate? With the average legacy replacement project yielding almost USD700k in new revenues enabled, it is key that we build our change planning based on more than just operational savings.
97% of derivatives systems are unable to handle other asset classes
Derivatives have always been held apart as an asset class – with few organisations running their trading across a multi-asset infrastructure. But in an era of cross-margining and capital efficiency, how can we continue to keep 97% of our systems separate?
27% of clearing and settlement systems are over 20 years old
The sell-side appears to carry a significantly higher LegacyTech burden than the buy-side – with one in four settlements systems older than 20 years. What is that doing to impede our performance, risk management and agility today?
Read the full story
Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead
How are firms turning LegacyTech into a competitive edge today?
Today's back office is highly complex and is set to become much more so. In the face of cost pressures, new settlement disciplines and accelerated transaction lifecycles, what role does our technology play as an enabler or obstacle to significant change?
Listen to @Richard Wilson from @IHS Markit and @Tracy Moors from @Digital Asset as they share their expert views with @Barnaby Nelson on how firms are driving a new competitive edge today through their LegacyTech transformation.