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Proxy transformation in australia &
new zealand

Proxy voting is rising to the top of the strategic agenda for issuers and investors across the globe. As shareholder engagement rises sharply, how ready are our investment operations to scale? Where are the problems today in our operating models and what is the case for transformation?

Data accuracy and completeness

Issues around incorrect event information and incomplete event data remain – with confidence declining with the size of issuance.

Data accuracy and completeness

Information continues to be caught or lost altogether – with smaller firms experiencing it more frequently.

Data timeliness

Investors continue to lose critical time during the current voting processes.

Data timeliness

Issuers need to understand that investors want sufficient time in the voting process to improve earlier engagement.


Read the Key Findings

Discover the key findings on Proxy Voting in Australia and New Zealand: including statistical insights and expert analysis from leading specialists

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How issuers, custodians and investors are making the case for major transformation in their proxy voting

How are governance and investor changes putting pressure on our proxy voting processes in Australia? And how able are we to react?

With expert insights from Dean Little (Proxymity), Scott Hudson (Computershare) and Ian Matheson (AIRA), we explore the common challenges, motivations for change and areas that most need our attention - as we look to grow our engagement and voting volumes in the near future.

Read the Key Findings report here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

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Download Citi's report on Securities Service evolution, written and supported by VX

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Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Download our latest key findings report here

Download our latest key findings report here

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Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Read the full story here: Including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Download our survey key findings here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Read the full story here: Including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Download our latest insight report here

Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

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Read the Realising Corporate Action Transformation report here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Get the latest case to digital issuance in our first industry factsheet here

Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here.

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

Read the full story here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

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