In one of the world's most complicated corporate actions markets, how is the industry increasing STP levels and removing risk today?
What is the case for corporate action transformation today?
The case for getting started, is not just down to the complexity of the Australian market, but the collective quest for innovation and change.
Simplifying the complex – obvious but not always easy
From lengthy manual processes and the challenge of receiving vast quantities of data on a daily basis, there is opportunity to mitigate and reduce risk at every step of the journey.
The case for change and the unexpected benefits
As well as operational efficiency, technology advances and increasing KPI requirements, the case for change has also driven market engagement, reduced human error and supported continuous improvement.
Shaping processes to manage risk at every opportunity
The key to continuing success has been continually striving to drive STP rates up and error rates down, to the benefit of all clients.
Making the Case for Corporate Action transformation in 2023
How are you making the case for corporate action automation today? Download our latest industry research to hear how market leaders are driving their P&L growth today in Australia – from the back office
What is the right path to automating your corporate actions? Download our latest industry research to hear what steps industry leaders are taking to optimise and transform their asset servicing in Australia
Hosted by ASX and the VX with leading specialists from across the industry: understand how the market is evolving to increase automation in the face of growing complexity.
Corporate Actions in an Australian Context: where can we be looking to transform?
Australian corporate actions are complicated and, like many markets around the world, in need of more automation. In the context of our ongoing "Australian Corporate Actions in A Global Context" survey, it's fascinating to be able to dig deep into the topic with Tim Hogben and Jamie Crank from the ASX. Their expert insights and experience give huge optimism about the pace of change in this space - with a clear change path for each of us.
Read the insight report here: including all of the statistics and expert insights that you need to plan ahead
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