DLT in the real world

The number of live usage cases of DLT in our industry has doubled since 2020 - with 8% of the market now live on this new technology. We're resourcing more and bringing more DLT pilots to market - but with concerns around security and resourcing, how is the industry managing their DLT transformation today?

DLT in the Real World 2022

DLT’s value depends on the problem: but highly paper-based, highly networked assets are the ideal target

DLT is a solution for a problem – and paper-based, highly networked assets are the most suited to the benefits of DLT today

Experimentation vs Commercialisation: DLT is about live production now

For the first time, there are more project going live this year than are going into pilots – as we move from experimentation to commercialisation.

DLT is a data play as much as an automation or transactional solution

Much attention focuses on DLT’s value in supporting atomic settlements and enabling smart contracts. But the value of DLT as a real time information layer can not be overlooked

Live DLT usage has risen four-fold in 2022 – from 8% in 2021

DLT usage has surged in the last 21 months, from 8% of DLT projects being used in a live production environment to now 32%. We have more experience than ever in using digital assets – with plenty still to come


Read the full story

Read the full story on DLT in the Real World here: including statistical insights and expert analysis from leading specialists.

DLT in the Real World - the podcast series

In partnership with ISSA, we have talked through the practical details of how, where and why many of the world's leaders in DLT are launching solutions today

Key Findings for 2022

Download the key statistical insights from our industry-wide research here

DLT in the Real World 2022 key findings

DLT in the Real World (2020)

the ValueExchange's Key Findings from 2020 explained



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