works across the financial services community to make a quantitative, industry-based case for transformation.
Whether you’re a broker dealer looking to build an investment plan for the year ahead, a fund manager CEO looking to decide where to build a competitive edge or a technology company looking to commercialise your next big product launch, #thevx is here to provide data-based insights that will help you make the right case for change.
Partnering extensively with industry leaders and associations across the globe, our aim is not just to help answer your business questions, but also to make sure that our statistical insights support advocacy on leading themes and industry pressure areas.
Where is the VX making the case for transformation today?
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How are the ECB DLT trials paving the way for the European Union’s digital future ?
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Run with Citi, our fourth annual “Securities Services Evolution” report draws on insights from close to 500 market participants and incorporates expert perspectives fromÂ
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DLT and Digital Assets
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